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How The CNG Gas Vehicle Conversion System Works?

If you want to know ¨C how does the CNG conversion System  work?  You don¡¯t need to buy a new CNG-powered car to start using clean and safe CNG and reduce your carbon footprint. Any vehicle running on Gasoline and Diesel can be converted to run on CNG.

At the conversion center or shop, skilled technicians will install CNG components to your existing vehicle. These components make CNG the primary fuel for your vehicle with gasoline as the back-up fuel. A fuel selection switch will be installed (usually on the dashboard) that will allow the driver to manually select either CNG or gasoline. CNG storage cylinders will also be installed underneath the vehicle for vans and pickup trucks, or in the trunk for cabs and other cars. Stainless steel tubes will transport the ¡°high pressure¡± gas to the regulator ¡°high pressure reducer¡±  installed in the engine compartment to reduce the pressure. The CNG will then pass through a fuel filters then to High Performance Fuel Injectors, finally on to the intake manifold to be introduced for combustion.

Having a dual fuel system will ensure adequate fuel reserves between natural gas fills. Compared to having only a gasoline engine, this additional fuel reserve will extend the vehicle¡¯s driving range. Drivers can instantly switch from CNG to gasoline even while driving, idling or parked. Our CNG systems will automatically switch to gasoline when the natural gas level reaches a preset low pressure setting.

For an inside look at how a CNG/gasoline bi-fuel system works, here are the step by step details:

¡¤ CNG is fed into the high pressure cylinders through the natural gas receptacle at fueling station.

¡¤ CNG leaves the storage cylinders and passes through the master manual shut-off valve.

¡¤ CNG enters the engine area via high pressure tubes.

¡¤ The pressure regulator accepts the CNG and reduces its pressure from 3,600 psi to appropriate manifold intake pressure.

¡¤ The natural gas solenoid valve lets the natural gas flow from the regulator into the fuel injectors. This same solenoid valve also shuts off the natural gas when the engine is off.

¡¤ CNG mixes with air as it enters the engine¡¯s combustion chambers.

Refer to :https://www.cngunited.com/how-does-cng-conversion-work/

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